Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Lunch With a Mamenchi'

Walkin' on a crooked path yestaday at Pavlov's park I experienced a most interesting incident. I go to Pavlov's because the air there has a good taste to it, plus there ain't any a those childrens going down slides and playin' ball and all. So I was walkin', had my lunch in my right hand, and my left arm had a good swing to it. I'd say every two left steps it would swing back and forth. So I'm takin' in the air as sort of an appetizer to the pastrami in my bag when I hear this rumagin' over to the left. I look where I hear and suddenly rip! All the tree that used to be on the path ain't there no more. My arm stops its swing and then I see it. Damn, a mamenchisaurus just feedin' right there in Pavlov's! This thing musta had a neck 12 meters long but its head was just a little eraser nub at the end. Knowin' about sauropods, I thought: for a mamenchi' to be all the way up here It musta built its nest too far north. But what could I do? Mamenchis' are so large, I'd probably have to call a friend or two to corral the thing. So I sat on the bench and had my sandwich. He didn't seem to mind.

Clay DaGould

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